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Nonbacterial Prostatitis Treatment You Can Do While Laying In Bed

Nonbacterial Prostatitis Treatment You Can Do While Laying In Bed

nonbacterial prostatitis treatment often involves prescription drugs and lots of "trial and error" as medications are not always effective. Following are some tips that may help you deal with the problem on your own, and right from the comfort of your own bedroom.

There are two nonbacterial prostatitis treatment options to consider.

The first is called kegel exercises.

Don't let the word "exercise" fool you, though.

There is nothing hard about this. In fact, you can do them while you are laying down in bed watching TV or reading a book or right before you drift off to sleep. What you do is find your "PC" muscle, which is located between your anus and your penis. You can find it when you go pee, just start and stop your stream. That muscle you used is the one you want to flex. (Once you find it, you do not have to go to the bathroom to flex it, though).

What you do then is, flex it 10-20 times, 5 times throughout the day.

Pretty easy.

And, very effective in helping with prostate problem (it will also help your sex drive, too -- a bonus).

The next thing you can do is have sex.

Yes, sex with your wife is great nonbacterial prostatitis "medicine."

It helps keep your prostate functioning properly, relieves stress and, if your prostate is enlarged, might even help shrink it during the orgasm.

And there you have it.

Two simple nonbacterial prostatitis treatment options you can do right from your bed.

Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Prostatitis/2014/0625/203.html

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Miss. Xia     26 years old      2009/4      Huanggang, Hubei Province

She had a excessive vaginal fluid , pain in low abdomen and in the waist for two years. Her ureaplasma urealyticum test result was positive and she had been diagnosed with PID and cervicitis. She had taken some treatment with western medicine but the symptoms were still there and the ureaplasma urealyticum test result was still positive. She found on the internet that Fuyan Pill can cure PID and cervicitis caused by ureaplasma urealyticum infection. Then she chose to take treatment with Fuyan Pill under my instruction to keep a required diet.  She was very serious about the treatment so she kept required diet for three months when taking the treatment. And after three months medicition, her vaginal fluid became normal and her symptoms almost eliminated. She was worried about the ureaplasma urealyticum test result which was still positeve. I told her it is a false positive so she required another two months medication. Two months later, the ureaplasma urealyticum test result was negative. She was so thankful for me to cure her disease because she was around the age of getting married and she had been very painful about the disease.

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Cervicitis and Chlamydia Infection

Cervicitis and Chlamydia Infection

Mrs. Liao      40 years old        2009/9       Doctor        Xiangxi, Hunan Province

She had a excessive purulent vaginal fluid, itch in the vulva, pain in low abdomen, irregular menstruation, frequency urinating, urinate urgency, and pain when urinating for four years. She took a test of pathogen and the result was poritive and she was diagnosed with cervicitis and chlamydia infection. She had taken many kinds of western medicines and non of them cured her. As a result, she came to take my treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. She took Fuyan pill for four months and then she took a test in hospital. She came and told me the result was negative with excite, and she required another months medication to consolidate the effect. She also said that her colleges were very surprised with her recovery, because they all knew that patients who had been infected with chlamydia for four years can hardly be cured. It is Fuyan Pill that have helped her to get rid of the disease.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2010/1202/29.html

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Are you aware that the healthy ways to lose weight are the easiest ways to lose weight? I know you want to lose weight fast, but would you rather have long-term success or short-term success?

These are the questions you must ask yourself when starting a diet plan. Let's face it, there are many ways to lose weight, but if you're looking for long-term success, then the fast, easy fad diets of pills, shakes, supplements, grapefruit and pineapple are not what you're looking for.

If you want to lose weight, know that you are not alone. There are about 108 million people in the United States that are either overweight, obese or suffering from morbid obesity, and health officials predict that in 10 years we will have a serious amount of obese people in the United States!

If you've been trying to lose weight for some time you know how hard it can sometimes be to simply get motivated to lose weight and more importantly to keep it off.

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Getting some exercise or even having a healthy meal was just so hard to do. I'd then feel guilty and ashamed of myself for lacking any motivation or will-power.

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