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Can Prostatitis Be Contagious during Sex?


Many patients do not know much about prostatitis, so some of them are too anxious about sex considering transmitting inflammation to their partners. As a result, abstinence for a long time even causes sexual disorder. Also, some patients' wives refuse to have sex with them because of the fear of being infected, which eventually not only affects the feelings of husbands and their wives, but also harms the treatment of patients. Quite a lot of prostatitis patients inquire that if prostatitis can be infectious? To answer this question, I'll illustrate it from the following two aspects.


First of all, we must first clearly define which kind of prostatitis you are suffering from. Pathogenic bacteria can not be found out in a vast majority of clinical chronic prostatitis. That's to say, this kind of prostatitis belongs to the nonbacterial prostatitis. This type of chronic inflammation will not be transmitted to the woman. Even if bacterial infection is found, if that belongs to the nonspecific bacterial prostatitis, don't worry your wife will be infected because woman vagina has the stronger ability to resist the bacterial infection.


In the other case, a few clinical chronic prostatitis is caused by trichomonad or mould, or by neisseria gonorrhoeae, mycoplasma, or chlamydia, which is namely referred to clinical specificity prostatitis. For these factors of infection, they are contagious to some degree in the early stages of the disease, so during sex women could be infected, resulting in specificity inflammation of the vagina.


Nowadays in our lives, the prevalence of prostatitis due to the latter factors is on the increase, therefore, for chronic prostatitis caused by these factors, sex should be avoided in the early treatment. For patients of this type of prostatitis, what may delight you is that diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, which are developed by doctor Li Xiaoping in Wuhan through 30-year devotion, have ideal effects on prostatitis. For most patients, after a general treatment of a month or so, pathogens will be cleared out, and many will turn negative.


During the treatment with diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, remember to drink more water and try to live a regular life, but do not sit for a long time, eat spicy food, smoke or drink alcohol.

article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Prostatitis/20131210/525.html


Amazing, sitz bath also is a treatment option for chronic prostatitis

The victim number of chronic prostatitis is increasing, and the treatment ways is increasing too. Sitz bath, as one of option, also can be cured by to cure chronic prostatitis. But how does this way cure chronic prostatitis?


Sitz bath is a simple and easy to be performed treatment, because this ways can be done at home and no special instrument needed.  Chronic prostatitis patients need to do sitz bath one to two time a day until prostatitis is gone.
Why sitz bath has good effect on chronic prostatitis? It is very simple. Sit in hot water can enhance the blood circulation of prostate gland, relax muscles and extend blood vessel, improving absorbing of inflammation and infection. However, sitz bath can bring bad effects to testicles, affecting spermatogenic function and even changing the construction of testicles.
thus, unmarried men or men without reproductive should not take this way. 
It is safe for married men to take sitz bath? The answer is no, because this way can damage testicles, bring declined discharge of testosterone to men.
Although sitz bath is effective, it is a Auxiliary treatment. You need to take other treatment. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, an herbal pill invented by Dr. Lee, is a good treatment option. This pill is a natural treatment. Its materials are from natura such as plants and animals, and it also won’t bring side-effects to human. This herbal medicine is a patented product approved by SIPO in 2010.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is an excellent pill, because it can promote blood circulation of prostate gland, clear away heat and toxic materials, dissipate hard lumps, dissolve stasis and release pain and symptoms.
Although men can get rid of chronic prostatitis by taking Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, it is better if men can take this herbal pill with sitz bath.
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Prostatitis/20131114/521.html


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Nonbacterial Prostatitis Symptoms - How To Stop The Fiery Beast From Consuming Your Peace Of Mind

Nonbacterial Prostatitis Symptoms - How To Stop The Fiery Beast From Consuming Your Peace Of Mind

If you have nonbacterial prostatitis symptoms, and are yearning for a way to keep them under control, then this article will show you some ways that may work for you.

Check this out:

Sometimes it's the simple things that help the most.

And, when it comes to nonbacterial prostatitis symptoms, this is often the case.

Take, for example, drinking more water.

There are few things on this planet that are healthier for your prostate than getting enough clean water each day. This is especially true if you are suffering from prostate problems. Your prostate needs enough water to function properly.

So the first thing to do is start drinking half your body weight in ounces of water each day.

The next thing is to make sure you have enough zinc in your system.

Men need a lot of zinc, and your prostate is packed with the stuff. It is not uncommon for someone dealing with prostatitis to find out they are actually low on zinc. That can't be a coincidence, either. So zinc is essential (just make sure you don't overdose on zinc -- follow the instructions and consult with your doctor before taking any supplements).

And finally... sex.

Having more sex can sometimes help with nonbacterial prostatitis pain.

In fact, sometimes urologists and doctors will even "prescribe" having more sex. This can help keep it cleaned out and help with the overall pain and anxiety.

The three tips above are pretty simple.

And, if you are enduring nonbacterial prostatitis symptoms, they may help you douse the fiery beast.

Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Prostatitis/2014/0625/203.html